Nordic Strategy Services

Business strategy for entering the Nordic market

Our core services /

Utilise our local expertise to enhance your Nordics business strategy

Use our local and industry knowledge to create your Northern Europe business strategy. From operational logistics to sales and marketing strategy, we can help you every step of the way. Your doorway to the Nordics awaits.

From creating a business plan to starting up a local office, we can apply our Scandinavian experience to your business to help you achieve the best results. Our deep understanding of the Nordic market combined with our IT and technology industry expertise, means we are perfectly placed to identify the right strategy to drive your business growth.

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Establishing your business in Northern Europe

Nordic Strategy

Although our primary role is generating and managing channel and end user opportunities, we also help businesses set up within the Nordics. Once we have worked with you to set your Nordic business strategy, we can then offer additional practical support to make it happen. From helping you to hire a team, locate an office and sort local legal documentation, to finding you a local accountant, these are all services which we are able to offer.

We have been involved in creating and developing business plans for over 15 years. Most companies we work with have solid business plans for their core businesses but not for the Nordics region. This is where we can help. Your Nordics business plan will typically be a highly focused document that considers your aims, targets, and how to achieve those goals, with a clear strategy for success. Our team will work with you to create a dedicated plan matched to your business requirements.

Delivering a business plan for the region

Nordic Strategy

Enabling a localised team

Nordic Strategy

One of the key challenges associated with international business expansion is setting up a local team. We offer dedicated support with setting up your North Europe team, from qualifying and advertising roles to handling local legislation, logistics and facilities. We will work to ensure you have the right team and setup in place to meet the requirements of the market.

Nordic Presence strategic services include:

  • Office / country setup
  • Sales team recruitment
  • 12-24 month launch plan
  • Technical support service advice
  • Business planning
  • Channel strategy
  • Vendor launch
  • Market insights and research
  • Market analysis
  • Reporting service
  • Target group segmentation

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